Сұрақ #40626 Берілген бес жауаптың біреуі дұрыс

Мәтінді оқып, сұраққа жауап беріңіз:

Once an English man and his wife were travelling abroad. When they arrived in Rome they decided to stay at one of the best hotels there. They filled in the forms and the hotel porter showed them their rooms. They liked it very much. It was a single room, not large, but comfortable.

After dinner the English man decided to go sightseeing. His wife, however, couldn’t go with him and went to bed. In the evening he wanted to go the hotel but he didn’t know the address. He came up a passer by asked him in English: “Could you show me the way to the Flower Hotel? But the passer-by didn’t tell anything. The Englishman wanted to know the time. He put his hand into his pocket to take out his watch. But there was no watch there. He ran after the passer-by and asked him to give his watch back. The passer by didn’t know English but he understand that the man wanted to have his watch. He certainly gave it to him. He thought that the man was a thief.

Where did an Englishman and his wife stay in Rome?
