Сұрақ #1248 Берілген бес жауаптың біреуі дұрыс

Мәтінді оқып, сөйлемнің жауабын табыңыз:

A million years ago there were a lot of more species of animals than there are now. Of course, some species disappear naturally, but they are disappearing faster than before.

Rhinos die because people want their horns.

Animals are in danger from natural accidents: some animals die because of small changes in the weather. We can’t protect animals or people from accidents or changing weather.

We put new buildings on empty land and do not think of animals. We make new roads, we move rivers; we take away trees.

Sometimes we take animals from their natural home to a different country.

Some visitors take pictures of animals, but other visitors hunt and kill them. They do not kill the animals for food, but because they like hunting.

In many countries people can also make a lot of money from animals. Elephants die because people want ivory.

Many bigger animals die because their coats are beautiful and people like to wear.

Pollution of our land, seas, rivers and sky is getting worse and worse. Animals cannot live in it. Pollution is bad for all of us. It is killing animals. Sooner or later it is going to kill people too. More people in bigger cities take more land and make more pollution.

So we are taking the natural homes of animals very fast. Where can they go?

Some people hunt animals because ….
