Сұрақ #468 Берілген бес жауаптың біреуі дұрыс

Мәтіннің мазмұнына сәйкес қажетті нұсқаны анықтаңыз:

Then one day I found a fat mother scorpion in the wall. She was wearing a fur coat. I looked more closely. It was really a mass of very small babies who were holding on to their mother’s back. I very much admired this family, and decided to take them secretly into the house and up to my bedroom. I wanted to keep them and watch them while they grew up. With great care I put the mother and family into a matchbox, and then hurried to the villa. Unfortunately, lunch was just on the table. I placed the matchbox carefully on a shelf in the sitting room and went to the dining room and joined the family for the meal. I ate very slowly, fed Roger secretly under the table and listened to the family, who were arguing. I completely forgot about my exciting new pets. When Larry had finished, he fetched some cigarettes from the living room. He lay back in his chair, put one in his mouth and picked up the matchbox which he had brought. I watched him with interest. He was still talking when he opened the matchbox. Now I still say this: the mother scorpion did not want to hurt anyone. She was anxious and a little angry because I had shut her up in the matchbox for so long, so she took her chance to escape. She climbed out of the box very quickly. Her babies were still holding on tightly as she climbed on to the back of Larry’s hand. There, she was a bit uncertain, and she paused. Her sting was curved up at the ready. When Larry felt the movement of her claws, he looked down and saw her. Then things got increasingly confused.

What do the mother scorpion and her babies do, when Larry opened the matchbox?
